Mega Thalassemia Awareness and Screening Camp
🌺”A WELL DONE is better than a WELL SAID…”
🌺On the occasion of World Thalassemia Day, IAP Mumbai organized a mega Thalassemia awareness and screening camp at the Centre for Study of Social Change (CSSC) on the 8th May, 2024 from 2.30 pm onwards.
🌺The session began with an introduction and overview of the program by Dr Nehal Shah.
This was followed by a talk on Thalassemia Awareness by Dr Ritika Khurana Junior Consultant, Department of Hemato – Oncology, Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital.
🌺There was a free Thalassemia screening with a CBC and Hb Electrophoresis arranged by IAP Mumbai with the support of Dr Sangeeta Mudaliar, HOD, Department of Pediatric Hemato-Oncology and her team from Bai Jerbai Wadia Children’s Hospital, Mumbai.
A total of 90 individuals were enrolled in the screening program.
The exercise will help not only in picking up children with Thal trait but also other deficiency anemias and hemolytic anemia for further management.
🌺The awareness session was attended by around 70 Primary Healthcare Workers and 56 adolescents with active interaction. Various queries related to the topic were addressed by Dr Sangeeta Mudaliar, Dr Nehal Shah, Dr Ritika Khurana and Dr Amruta Shirodkar in their local languages.
🌺The program was organized and co ordinated by Dr Nehal Shah on behalf of Team IAP Mumbai with Dr Sanjay Ojha from CSSC and Dr Sangeeta Mudaliar from Wadia Hospital.
🌺IAP Mumbai expresses special thanks to Dr Manisha Madkaikar from NIH to analyze the samples at subsidized rates and to Dr Ramesh Potdar, President CSSC for giving permission to conduct this camp.
🌺Trust is earned when Actions meet Words…
🌺Team IAP Mumbai 🌺

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