IAP Mumbai

The importance of Personal Hygiene

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The importance of Personal Hygiene

The importance of Personal Hygiene

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🌺Personal Hygeine and Cleanliness is not a function of how rich or poor you are…but that of mentality and principle….

🌺A healthy body results in a healthy mind.
To emphasize the importance of personal hygiene in prevention of diseases and improve overall physical and mental well being, IAP Mumbai conducted an Awareness session on “The importance of Personal Hygiene” for the underprivileged young adolescent girls on occasion of the IAP Healthy Lifestyle Day of the ongoing CAHCW celebrations.

🌺The session was introduced by Dr Nehal Shah with an overview of the role of personal hygiene and good sanitation practices in daily life. This was followed by a pictorial ppt describing in detail about the care of hair, ears, eyes, nails, hand, skin and menstrual Hygiene by Dr Harvinder Palaha.

🌺Around 30 girls of the Burma cell Railway line slum Area, BKC and 5 teachers and staff participated in this interactive learning session.
The request had come from the local social workers due to the poor hygienic conditions and self care of the girls in the slum resulting in a host of skin and hair diseases.

🌺A personal hygiene kit was distributed to all as an incentive to adopt it in daily life.

🌺 The entire program was co ordinated by Dr Nehal Shah on behalf of Team IAP Mumbai.

🌺 Team IAP Mumbai 🌺

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2024-03-22 @ 11:00 AM to
2024-03-22 @ 01:30 PM


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